Doing Business in Maine
Living in Maine Means Thinking Big in a Small Place
In Maine, what others call unconventional we call the norm. Here, where gourmet cheese & skis and chainsaw sharpening & wedding dresses are sold under the same roof, unique and diverse ventures thrive. Maine ingenuity drives us to conduct our lives and businesses our own way in the state we love. From the City of Ships to The County, Mainers display their eccentricities, creativity, and adventurousness every day. Here are some of the reasons we love living and working in Maine.
How to Say Bangor, Maine
We speak your language and like it when you speak ours. When Bangor had enough of outsiders’ mispronunciations of their town, they made a music video to make their point:
Maine Woman Drowns Rabid Raccoon
In Maine, we have an international reputation for resourcefulness and self-sufficiency. When Rachel Borch was out jogging, she made no bones about defending herself against a rabid raccoon (it happens) and it made national headlines. But don’t get the wrong idea. “I’m a vegetarian,” she said. “It was self-defense.”
Pagan Priest Wins Right to Wear Goat Horns in Maine ID Photo
We respect your right to speak your mind in Maine. If you are a priest of Pan, we don’t discriminate. We let Mainers be Mainers and believe in freedom of expression – even at the DMV. Read the story.